[C++] Build ATM system #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; class my_Bank { public: my_Bank () = default; my_Bank (string _PIN) : PIN(_PIN) {}; my_Bank (const my_Bank& _my_Bank) : PIN(_my_Bank.PIN) {}; my_Bank (const my_Bank&& _my_Bank) : PIN(std::move(_my_Bank.PIN)) {}; ~my_Bank() = default; std::map & operator[] (int idx){ return Accounts[idx]; } friend std::ostream& operator
썸네일 [C++] Decide possibility and Generate route for Cleaning Robot (BaekJoon_17145) [Uncompleted] Reference https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/17145 17145번: 청소 로봇 당신의 물류 창고가 너무 지저분해서 청소를 하려고 청소 로봇을 구입했다. 물류 창고는 테이블 (그리드) 모양이며 총 R행 C열로 구성되어있다. 각 행 각 열에는 엄청나게 거대한 물류 선반이 있 www.acmicpc.net PROBLEM Albert’s warehouse is rectangle-shaped, and it consists of R rows and C columns; each cell contains a massive shelf that can only be cleaned by a robot. The example figure below shows a table with 4 rows ..
썸네일 [C++] How can we save time to flatten the Complex Terrain in 'MINECRAFT' (BackJoon_18111) INTRODUCTION The Website ' BACKJOON ' has lots of interesting algorithm problems. Although I'm not a software engineer for website or algorithm, but solving algorithm problems makes me deeply think about how to go step by step and optimize. It's similar with mathematics or physics. But, be careful ! This post contains code many people said that this kinds of approach is wrong. (But I never think..