[ChatGPT] Apply ' ChatGPT ' to my Code and make my own chatting software


    These days, ' ChatGPT ' is the hottest issue of all world !

    Fig. 1. ChatGPT


    Introducing ChatGPT

    We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests.


    Microsoft had realized ChatGPT's potential and invested OpenAI a few years ago.
    As you already know, Bing, Microsoft's searching engine wasn't popular enough, but when they applied chatGPT to  Bing, everythings changed.
    So, Let's find out how to apply ChatGPT API to my code and make my own chatting software using python.


    You can get infomations about the OpenAI API in the link below.

    OpenAI API

    An API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI




    First, Gets your own API Key.

    OpenAI API

    An API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI


    Caution ! You must write the API key to safe place, because you can't check it again.


    Next, download openai package.

    pip install openai

    Since I have been using ' Python3.9 ', I used ' pip3 '.

    pip3 install openai



    They give me $18 of free trial. The price is $0.002 / 1k token.

    Fig. 2. Usage



    Next, Let's write the code for ChatGPT.

    import openai
    openai.api_key = "Your API Key"
    message_list = []
    while True:
        Input = input("->")
        if Input == "":
    message = message_list[0]
    completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",
        messages = [
                "role": "system",
                "content": "You are a kind elementary school teacher talking to your students "
                "role": "user",
                "content": message


    Question : Explain What is the computer vision




    import openai
    openai.api_key = "Your API Key"

    Import the openai package and write down your API Key generated in above link.

    message_list = []
    while True:
        Input = input("->")
        if Input == "":
    message = message_list[0]

    You can just write down your message inside the code, but I prefer input version, because it's a chatting. Right?

    completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        model = "gpt-3.5-turbo",

    There're other chatGPT API like Fig. 2, Image Generation or Embeddings, so pick API that you needed.

    Fig. 3. ChatGPT Applications


     messages = [
                "role": "system",
                "content": "You are a kind elementary school teacher talking to your students "
                "role": "user",
                "content": message

    I assigned two roles, ' system ' and ' user '.
    I assigned the role of elementary school teacher who talking to students to system. In common sense, most of the elementary school teachers used easy words and trying to treat their students kindly and lovely.
    And ' user ' message is the answer of ChatGPT.


    Let's check the result.

    Video. 1. Result


      "choices": [
          "finish_reason": "stop",
          "index": 0,
          "message": {
            "content": "Hello, my lovely students! Have you ever wondered how 
            computers are able to understand and interpret images and videos 
            that we often see on our devices? Well, this is where the concept 
            of 'Computer Vision' comes in.\n\nComputer Vision is the field of 
            study where computers are given the ability to understand, interpret 
            and analyze digital images and videos with the help of Machine Learning 
            and Artificial Intelligence algorithms. In simpler words, it allows 
            computers to see and recognize images, just like humans.\n\n
            For example, suppose you want to teach a computer how to identify 
            a cat in a picture. You'll need to feed the computer's algorithm 
            loads of cat pictures, and with the computer's capability to analyze 
            those images, it'll gradually learn to understand what a cat is and 
            be able to recognize it in any given picture.\n\nThis field is widely
            used in areas such as facial recognition technology, autonomous vehicles, 
            medical imaging, surveillance systems, and many other applications. 
            It's exciting to see what kind of advancements you'll be able to make 
            using computer vision technology in the future!\n\nHope that helps 
            answer your question, class.",
            "role": "assistant"
      "created": 16794,
      "id": "chat",
      "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",
      "object": "chat.completion",
      "usage": {
        "completion_tokens": 220,
        "prompt_tokens": 31,
        "total_tokens": 251

    As you can see, the answer reminds me my elementary school teachers (probably).
    Check how many tokens are used, and calculate the price.
    I hope this post helps you to make your own chatting code :)

    Thank you for watching !
