[T.V.C] part 00) What is T.V.C ?

    Let's suppose you're flying in the Sky or Space, how can you distinguish up and down? Also, how can you describe where you are? That's matter of 'Attitude Dynamics'.


    And in that situation, if you want to convert direction, what are you going to do? In Aviation, we convert by controlling position of airplane wings. It's called 'Aerodynamic control'.

    But in extreme environment like Rocket, there isn't enough air in Space and even in Sky, you can't easily turn because of high speed. Definitly It is inefficient. 


    Fortunately, we can find good examples from 'Falcon' or 'Starship' maded by 'SPACEX'.


    They just landed on where they had lift-off.

    It makes viewers don't believe their eyes and some people even claimed that videos are reverse of lift-off.

    It is certain that a lot of people are inspired and thought 'That's the future of Humanity and Elon must be an alien'.

    Further, someone like me thought 'When I was young, I want to be an engineer who makes that kind of rocket. But I'm not the one who I wanted to be'.


    That's story of mine. So I just quitted everything and promised myself to follow my passion without compromise.


    Back to the point, how could Starship backed to where it had lift-off? The answer is T.V.C short of 'Thrust Vector Control'.


    You can easily control attitude of rocket or airplane by manipulating direction of Thrust. But of course, you should understand lots of Mechanics and Dynamics include 'Attitude Dynamics' and 'P.I.D Control ' short of 'Proportional Integral Derivation Control'. Even if you finish all physics, Theory and Pratice  is different level.


    Luckliy we're not in charge of 'Starship' for now (maybe we could in the future), so In this chapter we will study 'Attitude Dynamics', 'P.I.D Control' and other stuff lightly, step by step and apply on our model rockets.


    Let's go ! 



    * Thanks for people who give me Inspiration and Source.

    'Dynamics > Attitude Dynamics' 카테고리의 다른 글

    [T.V.C] part 01) Vector Mechanics for Rotating Frame  (0) 2022.06.18
