[C++] Decide possibility and Generate route for Cleaning Robot (BaekJoon_17145) [Uncompleted]




    17145번: 청소 로봇

    당신의 물류 창고가 너무 지저분해서 청소를 하려고 청소 로봇을 구입했다. 물류 창고는 테이블 (그리드) 모양이며 총 R행 C열로 구성되어있다. 각 행 각 열에는 엄청나게 거대한 물류 선반이 있




    Albert’s warehouse is rectangle-shaped, and it consists of R rows and C columns; each cell contains a massive shelf that can only be cleaned by a robot.
    The example figure below shows a table with 4 rows and 6 columns.


    Albert will place his smart cleaning robot at row r and column c, and the robot will first scan the entire warehouse, and will determine whether it will be possible to visit (and clean up) each shelf exactly once while only moving by up/down/left/right. 
    For instance, suppose that R = 4, C = 6, r = 3, and c = 2. Starting from the cell at row 3 and column 2, Albert’s robot can visit all 24 cells only by moving Up/Down/Left/right, as shown in the figure below. Alternatively, this order can be concisely described by the direction at which the robot moves: “URDDRRRULLURRULLLLLDDDR” (23 moves).


    However, it is not always possible to visit all cells of the board. For instance, when R = 3, C = 3, r = 1, and c = 2, there is no way to visit all nine cells exactly once. 
    Given R, C, r, and c, you must help Albert by determining whether the robot will be able to clean up each shelf exactly once. If it is possible, then you should also output how it can be done. The robot can only move up/down/left/right and it cannot go out of the warehouse.


    The first line will contain an integer T (1 <= T <= 100), the number of test cases.
    Each of the following T lines will contain four integers separated by a white space, representing R, C, r, and c in this order. You can assume that 1 <= R, C <= 100 and 1 <= r <= R and 1 <= c <= C. You can further assume that R*C > 1 (i.e., the warehouse always contains more than one shelf).


    For each test case, you must output one string in a single line.
    If it is impossible to visit each shelf exactly once, then you should output “IMPOSSIBLE” (without quotes). Otherwise, you should output a string of length (R*C)-1, which describes how the robot should move (each character must be one of U, D, L, R describing the direction at which the robot moves). U means going up (by decrementing the row number), D means going down (by incrementing the row number), L means going left (by decrementing the column number), and R means going right (by incrementing the column number). 



    Fig. 1. my Result


    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <iterator>
    #include <string>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <cstdlib>
    using namespace std;
    enum Result {Stand_by, Failed, Succeed, Impossible};
    class Grid {
        Grid () = default;
        Grid (size_t _Row_Size, size_t _Col_Size) : Row_Size(_Row_Size+2), Col_Size(_Col_Size+2) {
            std::vector <std::vector <int>> _Matrix;
            std::vector <int> barrier;
            for(int i=0; i<Col_Size; i++)
            for(int i=0; i<_Row_Size; i++){
                std::vector <int> Temp;
                for(int j=0; j<_Col_Size; j++){
            Matrix = _Matrix;
        Grid (const Grid& _Grid) : Matrix(_Grid.Matrix), Row_Size(_Grid.Row_Size), Col_Size(_Grid.Col_Size), Start(_Grid.Start),
                                   Process(_Grid.Process), Status(_Grid.Status) {};
        Grid operator = (const Grid& _Grid) { Matrix = _Grid.Matrix; Row_Size = _Grid.Row_Size; Col_Size = _Grid.Col_Size;
            Start = _Grid.Start; Process = _Grid.Process ;  Status= _Grid.Status;};
        Grid (const Grid&& _Grid) : Matrix(_Grid.Matrix), Row_Size(_Grid.Row_Size), Col_Size(_Grid.Col_Size), Start(_Grid.Start),
                                    Process(_Grid.Process), Status(_Grid.Status) {};
        ~Grid() = default;
        int& operator[] (pair<int,int> index){
            return Matrix[index.first][index.second];
        Grid Set(int r, int c, int idx){
            std::pair<int,int> _Start = make_pair(r,c);
            Matrix[r][c] = idx;
            Start = _Start;
            return *this;
        friend std::string Outcome (Grid _Grid);
        friend void Move (Grid& _Grid, int idx);
        friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Grid& _Grid);
        std::vector <std::vector <int>> Matrix;
        size_t Row_Size;
        size_t Col_Size;
        pair<int,int> Start;
        std::vector <string> Process;
        Result Status;
    std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Grid& _Grid){
        for(auto& it : _Grid.Matrix) {
            std::copy(it.begin(), it.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));
            std::cout << std::endl;
        return os;
    std::vector <std::vector <int>> Input (int _Num_Q) {
        std::vector <std::vector <int>> Input;
        int input = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<_Num_Q; i++){
            std::vector <int> Temp_Input;
            for(int j=0; j<4; j++){
                std::cin >> input;
        return Input;
    std::vector <std::pair <Grid,int>> Create_Grid_Pair (std::vector <std::vector <int>> Grid_Cond, int Num){
        std::vector <std::pair <Grid, int>> Gridded;
        for(int i=0; i<Num; i++){
            auto Temp_Grid = new Grid(Grid_Cond[i][0], Grid_Cond[i][1]);
            Temp_Grid->Set(Grid_Cond[i][2], Grid_Cond[i][3], 1);
            std::pair <Grid, int> Temp_Grid_Pair = std::make_pair (*Temp_Grid, i);
            delete Temp_Grid;
        return Gridded;
    void Move (Grid& _Grid, int idx) {
        _Grid.Status = Stand_by;
        int i = _Grid.Start.first, j = _Grid.Start.second;
        Result result = Stand_by;
        if(_Grid.Matrix[i+1][j] != 0 && _Grid.Matrix[i-1][j] != 0 && _Grid.Matrix[i][j+1] != 0 && _Grid.Matrix[i][j-1] != 0){ 
            if(idx == (_Grid.Row_Size-2)*(_Grid.Col_Size-2)+1)
                result = Succeed;
                result = Failed;
            _Grid.Status = result;
        else {
            string Index;
            int loop_move = 1;
            while (loop_move) {
                int i = _Grid.Start.first, j = _Grid.Start.second;
                int Deter = rand() % 4;
                switch (Deter) {
                    case 0 : { // Up
                        i -= 1;
                        Index = "U";
                    case 1 : { // Down
                        i += 1;
                        Index = "D";
                    case 2 : { // Right
                        j += 1;
                        Index = "R";
                    case 3 : { // Left
                        j -= 1;
                        Index = "L";
                if(i < _Grid.Row_Size -1 && i >= 1 && j < _Grid.Col_Size -1 && j >= 1) {
                    if (_Grid.Matrix[i][j] == 0) {
                        _Grid.Set(i,j, idx);
                        loop_move = 0;
    std::string Outcome (Grid _Grid){
        std::string ss = "0";
        std::vector <std::vector <std::string>> Compilation;
        int loop = 1;
        Result status = Stand_by;
        while(loop <= 50) {
            Grid Temp = _Grid;
            int idx = 1;
            while (status == Stand_by) {
                Move(Temp, idx + 1);
                status = Temp.Status;
            auto find_it = std::find(Compilation.begin(), Compilation.end(), Temp.Process);
            if(find_it == Compilation.end()) {
                switch (status) {
                    case Failed : break;
                    case Succeed : {
                        for(auto it : Temp.Process)
                            cout << it;
                        cout << endl;
                        ss = "Succeed";
                        loop = 100;
            if(loop == 50)
                ss = "IMPOSSIBLE";
        return ss;
    int main(){
        srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
        int Num_Q = 0;
        std::cin >> Num_Q;
        std::vector <std::vector <int>> Input_Vec = Input(Num_Q);
        std::vector <std::pair <Grid,int>> Grid_Vec = Create_Grid_Pair(Input_Vec, Num_Q);
        for (auto it: Grid_Vec) {
            int fail = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i <300; i++) {
                std::string result = Outcome(it.first);
                if (result == "Succeed") {
            if(fail == 300){
                cout << "IMPOSSIBLE" << endl;



    I had figured if one of width or height is even number, it's possible. But I dont know if both of them are odd number.

    So I stopped in that moment, and that's why this is uncompleted version.


    I'll be back to solve it perfectly in near future.
